Monday, May 14, 2007

Celebrating the beauty in art

L’Oréal Paris is excited to join forces with artist Carlito Dalceggio to bring you a spectacular live artistic event in the heart of downtown Toronto throughout the 10-day Luminato Festival.

Each evening from June 1 to 10, Carlito will apply his artistic vision to a massive outdoor 51' x 34' canvas mounted on the wall of Hôtel Le Germain, painting from his inspirations of the moment, the festival, L’Oréal Paris’s passion for beauty and… you.

Share your thoughts on beauty, and send any visual, textual or video elements that inspire you, motivate you or move you. See what others have to say, and watch as this community encourages and inspires Carlito each evening. Also see daily updates of the canvas’s transformation, and read Carlito’s comments on his progress and experience.

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