Sunday, June 10, 2007

June 10 - Messages to Carlito

I'm sad I couldn't make it out for the final day. I came out on the first day to show some support and to see what inspiring works were to be created and I have seen with my own eyes the process that the canvas has undergone when I came back on Day 9. My friend Crystle and I spent roughly 8 hours in that parking lot during those 2 days we were there.

Although I couldn't make it out everyday to see this masterpiece unfold I did keep updated with this awesome blog.

Being able to see all the hardwork put into the painting to get to where it is now has motivated me to work harder and create my own masterpieces through my medium (photography)

I hope that Carlito and friends had a fun time here in Toronto and I hope all of you come back next year - you will have 2 supporters waiting
-Rosanna U

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